Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

Stories by Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

Targeting Taliban: Does US Want India's Help?

Targeting Taliban: Does US Want India's Help?   16 Sep 2021

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked by US Congressmen if the US had explore the possibility of northwest India for counter terrorism capabilities in Afghanistan. Blinken's remarks on India assume great importance, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

Taliban Will Be Around For A Long While

Taliban Will Be Around For A Long While   15 Sep 2021

Unless the Taliban goofs up in a big way, which seems highly unlikely, we are looking at a regime that will be around for quite a long while and present a level of governance that the puppets of the richest and most advanced countries failed to provide, predicts Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Why are US, British, Russian spy chiefs in Delhi?

Why are US, British, Russian spy chiefs in Delhi?   14 Sep 2021

The Western powers appear to regard Delhi as the most logical destination in the region in these extraordinary times -- as a counterpoint to the ascendance of political Islam and a rising red star over Afghanistan, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

What's Pakistan's Afghan Plan?

What's Pakistan's Afghan Plan?   13 Sep 2021

Pakistan is making efforts at multiple levels for the Taliban government to have a soft landing, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Taliban Govt: ISI Has The Last Laugh

Taliban Govt: ISI Has The Last Laugh   8 Sep 2021

ISI chief Faiz Hameed coerced the Taliban to announce an interim government guaranteed to preserve Pakistan's control over the levers of power in Kabul, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Afghanistan is done with jihad

Afghanistan is done with jihad   7 Sep 2021

The Taliban have the ISIS in its crosshairs. The Taliban has shown the skill to assimilate extremist elements if they are reconcilable as well as the ruthlessness to eliminate troublemakers, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

What the World Expects From the Taliban

What the World Expects From the Taliban   6 Sep 2021

The world's attention is on the new Taliban and the imminent announcement of an inclusive government in Kabul, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

Can the Taliban Survive?

Can the Taliban Survive?   3 Sep 2021

The US intends first to cripple the Afghan government financially through sanctions, freezing of assets, denial of access to international banking, etc, and then proceed to do pretty much what it wants to do with scant regard for Afghanistan's sovereignty, predicts Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

US will make Life Hell for the Taliban

US will make Life Hell for the Taliban   2 Sep 2021

The US is not in a forgiving mood for being humiliated in such a manner by an insurgent force and made to look 'loser' internationally, predicts Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Rise and Rise of Qatar in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan

Rise and Rise of Qatar in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan   1 Sep 2021

Considering that Qatar is a trusted ally of Washington for decades, it is expected to be a steady influence on the Taliban leadership, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

US-Taliban: A Package Deal?

US-Taliban: A Package Deal?   30 Aug 2021

The Biden administration expects the Modi government to continue to remain as its loyal camp follower even as Washington continues to act in self-interests, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Does Modi govt have an Afghan Policy?

Does Modi govt have an Afghan Policy?   28 Aug 2021

The flawed Indian policy toward Afghanistan is missing the woods for the trees. The Modi government doesn't have a 'big picture', observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar, who played a stellar role in beginning India's systemic dealings in Afghanistan in 1994.

Kabul blasts may turn out to be a political windfall for the Taliban

Kabul blasts may turn out to be a political windfall for the Taliban   27 Aug 2021

Afghanistan will remain a frontline state for Washington for a foreseeable future in terms of the potential threats to US national security from terrorist groups, asserts Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar, who played a stellar role in beginning India's dealings in Afghanistan in 1994.

US Influence in Afghanistan has touched Ground Zero

US Influence in Afghanistan has touched Ground Zero   26 Aug 2021

A confrontation with the Taliban in Kabul in this fading light of a twilight zone would have been sheer madness, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Taliban: Time for India to think BOLD

Taliban: Time for India to think BOLD   25 Aug 2021

Like China, India too should connect the dots and move ahead with a long-term perspective in Afghanistan, advises Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

Can the Panjshiris BATTLE the Taliban?

Can the Panjshiris BATTLE the Taliban?   24 Aug 2021

The Taliban is highly pragmatic and would regard it wasteful to resume military offensive to capture Panjshir. The Taliban's preference, historically, has been to keep the military option as the last resort, explains Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

US-Taliban Relationship on the cards?

US-Taliban Relationship on the cards?   23 Aug 2021

Biden's lengthy remarks on Afghanistan contained no condemnatory references to the Taliban, observes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar, who played a stellar role in beginning India's systemic dealings in Afghanistan in 1994.

China-Taliban Bonhomie: What Next?

China-Taliban Bonhomie: What Next?   20 Aug 2021

China may accord recognition to the new government in Kabul at an early opportunity, predicts Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar

Has the Taliban Really Changed?

Has the Taliban Really Changed?   19 Aug 2021

'The really striking thing is that the Taliban has suo moto presented to us certain firm benchmarks against which it expects us to hold to account the Taliban rulers's actions in the period ahead' notes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.

India Must Stay in Kabul!

India Must Stay in Kabul!   17 Aug 2021

A closure of the Indian mission in Kabul will be a Himalayan blunder at this historic juncture when the wheels of diplomacy and politics are set to accelerate in Afghanistan, argues Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar